
General translations

We translate your machine-readable German or Greek texts from the areas of rail-mounted vehicles, heating engineering, mechanical engineering, EDP, software, technique and texts with general contents as well as your Internet pages.
Our expert interpreters can translate your texts into their native language or work closely with a native speaker inside of the target language.
Our co-workers work only on computers and have special tools available making the translation process as efficient as possible.
We work with the most current data base stock available for larger projects.

 Technical translations




We translate fast and professionally manuals, assembly instructions, data sheets, price lists etc. Our team consists of technically qualified compilers/translators with knowledge in different areas:

-mechanical engineering
-computer science
-computer applications
-heating systems


-control engineering
-automobile industry
-machine tools
-ail-mounted vehicles

Since our compilers/translators translate only into their native languages this ensures prompt quality services and terms.  

We can process your documents directly, if they were created with a usual text processing program. In addition, we also translate printed documents. We can return them by fax, mail or email.

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